
Triumph of the Nerds Part II

The one topic that i found most interesting in this video was how IBM used the inverse-engineering as a strategy to get back in tecnological businesses. IBM was noticing how Apple was growing their company very fast, by the sells of the Apple 2, so their will be able of being part of this competition. As IBM was incapable of producing a whole new computer in less than a year, their use something named inverse-engineering whic is the procees in which you take something that is already desing and start disarming it piece by piece in order to understand how its working and then replicate it. This was legal only if the engierniring you use to disarmed and rebuild the machine were completely "virgin" of the knowledge of the ROM BIOS, the term virgin was refering that you do not have any kind of study or you werent part of the procedure of builduing this machine. This is how IBM was able to build a new machine in less than a year and avoid being lost in this war. But he start...


Why is the Nineteen Eighty-Four novel by George Orwell relevant to a student taking the Programming Language course? Language is one of the first tools humans being used in order to evolve, since the beginning of human history, humans used language to comunicate their ideas and feelings, this improved the chances of survival, which helped us to become the most advanced specie on Earth. Languages are very complex, for this example, lets take any vocal language, theses have a very width vocabulary which has letters, words and sentences and all the combinations of these have differents meaning, i think this is why we should read this article as Programmer in order to understand how programming languages, because as any langauge it has symbols and words, and the combinations of these make and resolve different problems. Languages allows us to understand the world better, the human brain is capacable of relating things with this. This complexity also create a problem which is the posi...

The Promises of Functional Programming

Computer Science development has been changing though the computing history, so is very difficult to understand this kind of absatract problems, evenmore if you have been coding in the same way for years. Computing and mathematical advantages allow us to create better hardware that help us to develop more sofisticated software.  In the 1950s John McCarthy designed a  complete new coding method:  functional programming,  based on Alonso Church’s mathematical theory . Functional programming  has advantages for parallel programming. In this article the author tries to explain what  functional programming  is and its differences with  imperative programming,  for this he used Clojure to give examples about  functional programming. There are huge differences between both programming methods, but that doesn’t mean that one is better than the other. Each one has its pros and cons, and you should be able to determine when to use o...

Rich Hickey on Clojure

At first is mentioned the basics of Lisp and its advantages among others languages. Rich mentioned that programs are represented to the compiler as data structures this could also be translated as “programming and metaprogramming are the same thing”. Rich says that Lisp is not designed for being a mainstream language instead is was designed to be used  for super users, scientists and very hard problems resolutions with less resources. The advantages of using Lisp are it was mentioned before, programs are represented as data structures, also t when the compiler is compiling your program it gives your other macros the chance to run during the compilation process which basically means that your program writing programs can be integrated within the compiler. Syntactic extensibility is one of the best features that Lisp has to offer because thanks to this you do not have to re-write the same code again and again like in other languages, where you have to write many time a part ...

Triumph of the Nerds

Triumph of the Nerds Part I:  Impressing their Friends The video is about the origins of the enterprises that nowadays are the top in the Technological Businesses. The main subject of the video is to tell the story of the two most important companies in this area, which are Apple and Microsoft. It starts talking about the very first "computer" and how this companies managed to revolutionated the world by making this machines available for all people. He also tell how was considered technology in those days, and how Silicon Valley became one of the most relevant places in Technological Businesses. He interviewed some people, including kids, about their opinion in technical thing on those days. He also tell us where and what was he doing during that period. Then he starts talking about all the elements of the story about how IT became one of the most important business nowadays. There were many components in this story, and these two companies were not the only on...

Real Programming Pragmatism

Real Programming Pragmatism Desde el inicio de la era de la computación, los programadores han discutido acerca de cual es el mejor lenguaje de programación,. En este articulo separa los lenguajes en dos, los  lenguajes de 'scripting' como Python o Perl, y los orientados a objetos como Java.  A cada uno de estos dos grupos le define ventajas y desventajas.  Una de las ventajas que recalca acerca de los lenguajes scrpyting es la facilidad que tienen con proyectos ágiles, por su facilidad, alcance y facilidad de mantenimiento, esta es la razón por la que se usa este tipo de lenguajes en proyectos de aplicaciones web. Un dato cusioso del articlo es que los lengaujes  scrpyting se volvieron famosos y utiles para programadores que fueran de mente independiente, ya que estos lengaujes le permiten a genios y personas dotadas que quieren realizar proyectos completos por su cuenta. De igual forma el autor especifica que estos lenguajes no siempre son la...

Revenge of the nerds

The author in this article explained the definition of a pointy-haired boss, which is the boos that will ask you to develop a program or a system, he will not be able to determine how will it work or in which language should be code it, but he will assume the best choice is Java, this is because he should have heard Java is a stand so for him this will be the best tool to use. We know that not all the programming languages are the same, but I really think that this assumption may be correct in the way that you can solve almost every problem with Java implementation, but this doesn't mean that the best choice for an specific problem should have been Java, maybe another language like C++ or Python could have been a better solution. Considering what the author said, “The disadvantage of believing that all programming languages are equivalent is that it's not true. But the advantage is that it makes your life a lot simpler”, we can establish that every solution can be solve ...