Triumph of the Nerds

Triumph of the Nerds Part I: Impressing their Friends

The video is about the origins of the enterprises that nowadays are the top in the Technological Businesses. The main subject of the video is to tell the story of the two most important companies in this area, which are Apple and Microsoft.

It starts talking about the very first "computer" and how this companies managed to revolutionated the world by making this machines available for all people. He also tell how was considered technology in those days, and how Silicon Valley became one of the most relevant places in Technological Businesses.

He interviewed some people, including kids, about their opinion in technical thing on those days. He also tell us where and what was he doing during that period. Then he starts talking about all the elements of the story about how IT became one of the most important business nowadays.

There were many components in this story, and these two companies were not the only ones who participated in this process. For example, the first personal computer hardware was built by IBM, but without the idea of Bill Gates of the first Operative System, this maybe couldn't ever be what the PC is today.

Another part of the story, is the achievement Steve Jobs had with Apple, this also was possible thanks to Wozniak genius and the vision Steve Jobs had of personal computers. One of the components that help Apple to grow was the need that was created by the software named VisiCalc, which was what we nowadays known as "Spreadsheet", this software allowed to use the potential of personal computer as a very useful task by calculating the finances without starting all over again, this saved a lot of time in people.


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