Rich Hickey on Clojure

At first is mentioned the basics of Lisp and its advantages among others languages. Rich mentioned that programs are represented to the compiler as data structures this could also be translated as “programming and metaprogramming are the same thing”.

Rich says that Lisp is not designed for being a mainstream language instead is was designed to be used  for super users, scientists and very hard problems resolutions with less resources. The advantages of using Lisp are it was mentioned before, programs are represented as data structures, also t when the compiler is compiling your program it gives your other macros the chance to run during the compilation process which basically means that your program writing programs can be integrated within the compiler.

Syntactic extensibility is one of the best features that Lisp has to offer because thanks to this you do not have to re-write the same code again and again like in other languages, where you have to write many time a part of the code.

Clojure was designed to improve Lisp communications with other programs, because this was one of the main problems with Lisp, so rich had the idea of developing Clojure which retains the power of lisp and allow accessing to Java libraries.

In conclusion Lisp is oriented to solving problems that need a different approach and Clojure is for any programmer with an open minded.

I think Clojure was an excellent idea in order to try to become Lisp a more used Language.

Software Engineering Radio. (2010). Episode 158: Rich Hickey on Clojure. [Podcast]. Available at


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