Dick Gabriel on Lisp

This essay is about a podcast made by Dick Gabriel, in which the main subject is the programming language called Lisp.

Despite of my few knowledge of this programming language, i think Lisp is a very useful and interesting language, which will increase my abilities in coding.

Before this, he explained that he studied artificial life, mathematics and poetry on Stanford, this developed in him an interest in the programming language Lips, because this language creates code with code, which is a very interesting and useful functionality. Dick Gabriel has a very impressive curriculum so he deserves to be take serious in subjects as computer science in specific his areas of expertise which are artificial life and maths.

Another curious fact about Lisp is that it was the very first language in develop a garbage collector which allows programmers to develop code faster and better. In my own opinion i think this was a very big step in computer science, because of this now people with less programming skills are able to code simple programs without the need of more knoledemnet in this area.

He explained how the Lisps interpreter was created in only one night, this is very unusual and even the developer who make it did not think this possible.

I found this a very impressive goal, considering my own average time in developing code, so this achievement deserved accounted for.

At the end he mentioned that programming should be consider as an art more than an engineering, and he recommends that computer science education should be imparted like a poetry class, this allows programmer to develop a creative and open minded which allows to think out of the box in the development of new projects.

I consider this is a truly thought considering that sometime solutions get into our mind in a more spontaneous way more than a structure method. And many times there is no estructural solutions in mathematical and code problems.


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